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Read the latest news about the ATM industry.

What is Jackpotting and How Does it Affect Your ATM Business?

What is Jackpotting and How Does it Affect Your ATM Business?

Since early 2018 a new cybercrime has hit U.S. targets and security experts are calling it “Jackpotting.” What it Jackpotting? According to Money.com, jackpotting “involves installing malicious software or hardware at ATMs that force the machines to release large...

Things to Consider When Buying an ATM

Things to Consider When Buying an ATM

Many on-the-go people have neither the time nor the patience to visit banks for withdrawing all of their cash! Instead, they prefer to use automated teller machines (ATMs). A major advantage is that it is possible to set up these ATMs anywhere and everywhere. Should...

Is Having an ATM at a Marijuana Dispensary Profitable?

Is Having an ATM at a Marijuana Dispensary Profitable?

The Automated Teller Machine (ATM) is an electronic telecommunication device installed to perform underlying financial transactions without direct interaction with the banking staff. An ATM extends excellent convenience and security with its smooth functioning and...

How to Find Great Locations for an ATM Placement

How to Find Great Locations for an ATM Placement

You’ve decided to change your life by becoming an Independent ATM Deployer (IAD). Congratulations! You’re now on your way to increasing your income with a new IAD business. If you’ve gone through the process of setting up your business and registering it with the...

Is Pre-Programmed Drop Shipping Right for You?

Is Pre-Programmed Drop Shipping Right for You?

What is Drop Shipping? So, you’re looking to get into the ATM business and are sorting out the details of where to start. Unless you somehow happen to have a warehouse full of high-quality ATMs, you’re going to need to figure out how to source the ATMs you want to...

What Going Cashless Really Means

What Going Cashless Really Means

With technology continuing to expand and change, as a society we are finding ourselves more and more dependent on the hand-sized computers we can put in our pockets. These days, smartphones can do everything from create breathtaking photographs to paying for our daily...

Increasing Your Income with ATMs

Increasing Your Income with ATMs

Are you looking for ways to boost your income? Perhaps you’re seeking to create a passive income stream to bring in extra cash each month. What is Passive Income? A passive income stream requires very little or no maintenance to keep the money coming in. That doesn’t...

SiriUs II – The Beautiful New 15″ Display ATM

SiriUs II – The Beautiful New 15″ Display ATM

Puloon USA Launches its Second ATM in the U.S. To much fanfare at the ATMIA conference in Orlando, Florida, Puloon USA announced the roll out of and debited their second ATM in the US market, the Puloon SiriUs II.  With a beautiful high gloss finish and huge display,...